V60 dripper and server filled with tasty coffee, with commandante grinder in the background



Make sure you have all your equipment within reach. Choose your water well (filtered/bottled) and boil your kettle to 94°C. Grind your coffee just before your brew – we recommend using a Comandante hand grinder or a quality electric grinder, such as Baratza or Mahlkönig. Grind the coffee on a medium setting. While coffee does get stale with time, it is totally fine to let your beans rest for 2-3 weeks after roast date. This gives the beans time to degas, and you will get much more flavour and sweetness from your brew. Place your V60 on top of a server or other vessel and wet the filter paper with hot water. This step has two benefits - it gets rid of the residual paper taste from the filter while pre-heating your drip brewer.


Dump your preheat water and place your V60 with filter paper back on top of the vessel. Carefully distribute your coffee into the centre of your V60, avoiding the wet sides where it may stick. Give the V60 a gentle nudge to flatten the top of your coffee dome.


Check that your water is still at 94°C, if not, reheat. Place your V60 on your vessel on a scale and tare it. Start the timer and wet all your grounds evenly with 30 – 40 grams of water. Your coffee will begin to bloom. This is the result of carbon dioxide escaping and the coffee degassing. During this process, the coffee will take its original weight. That is the weight it had when it was inside the cherry on the tree. With that weight, the coffee is getting ready for a balanced extraction.


At 30 seconds, add more water until your brew reaches 100 grams. Pour in slow, steady, clockwise circles. When you have reached 100g, pause until the water level has almost fallen to the level of the coffee bed.


When the water level is almost at the same level as the coffee bed, add another 50g of water. Repeat this step until you reach 250 grams. Avoid high and dry pouring: Do not let the water levels rise too high and then drop down too fast, leaving un-extracted coffee stuck to the sides of your drip filter.


Now watch and take in all the aromas of the brew. The brew should finish dripping at around 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If it finishes too quickly or takes too long, the grind may need to be changed - but always judge by the resulting cup. Notice how flat the bed of leftover grinds in the drip filter are sitting as well, as this will indicate the consistency of the pour.


Once you notice it has stopped dripping, remove the V60 and gently swirl or stir the brew to encourage it to cool and let it breathe. Now sit back and enjoy your hand-brewed coffee.
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