Amaca - 100% Hand-made Coffee From Women

Amaca - 100% Hand-made Coffee From Women - THE BARN Coffee Roasters Berlin
In the southwest Colombian slopes of El Tambo, Cauca, since 1999 there is a Women Farmer Association, called AMACA, that supports the work of 140 active women coffee producers in the region. AMACA works as a platform to improve the production practices and to promote the access to the specialty coffee market. Membership of AMACA are settled in three different villages within El Tambo, and the average farm size ranges from 1–3 hectares, at about 5,000 trees per hectare.

All these women support their families from the coffee they produce, empowering them to transform their lives. “We start with the expectation of improving the quality of life for our families”, says Luz Marina Sanchez, the legal representative of AMACA. “You can drink our coffee full of confidence for this comes from women, and from a family environment. This coffee is done by hand, 100% purely from the specialty farms of women".

Our AMACA coffee comes from a single woman-owned farm, Finca Los Anayes. It is located 1750 meter high and delivers a high-quality coffee from the varietal Castillo. The beans are washed, bringing to the cup rich notes of mango, sweet almonds and tropical fruits. As this is one of the Program Coffees, a premium is paid to AMACA above the value of the coffee to support their goals.

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