Mast Brothers Chocolate - Ingredients list

Coffee Chocolate

 nutrition facts

serving size: 1 serving (28,0gr)
servings: 2.5

calories 140

total fat - 10gr

total carbohydrate - 11gr

total protein - 2gr

ingredients per 100gr:

60% cacao, 20% cane sugar, 8% cocoa butter, 8% buttermilk powder, 4% coffee beans

allergens: milk

origin: Great Britain

best by: see packaging

Please keep and store in a dry and cold place.


Dark Chocolate

 nutrition facts

serving size: 1 serving (28,0gr)
servings: 2.5

calories 170

total fat - 13gr

total carbohydrate - 12gr

total protein - 2gr

ingredients per 100gr:

70% cacao, 30% cane sugar

allergens: none

origin: Great Britain

best by: see packaging

Please keep and store in a dry and cold place.


Sea Salt Chocolate

 nutrition facts

serving size: 1 serving (28,0gr)
servings: 2,5

calories 170

total fat - 13gr

total carbohydrate - 12gr

total protein - 2gr

ingredients per 100gr:

70% cacao, 29% cane sugar, 1% sea salt

allergens: none

origin: Great Britain

best by: see packaging

Please keep and store in a dry and cold place.


Vanilla Chocolate

 nutrition facts

serving size: 1 serving (28,0gr)
servings: 2,5

calories 140

total fat - 10gr

total carbohydrate - 12gr

total protein - 2gr

ingredients per 100gr:

60% cacao, 20% cane sugar, 9% cocoa butter, 9% buttermilk powder, 2% vanilla pods

allergens: milk

origin: Great Britain

best by: see packaging

Please keep and store in a dry and cold place.